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The 20/20 Vision

Sat, Dec 01


Included in ManiFEST

The 20/20 VISION WILL BE REVEALED AT ManiFEST & is included in the ManiFEST Ticket. It is not a separate event. The 20/20 Vision is a simple, stunning idea that will change the World. It’s scope is monumental - it’s potential profound. It will benefit All. We intend that you are awed...

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The 20/20 Vision
The 20/20 Vision

Time & Location

Dec 01, 2018, 7:00 PM

Included in ManiFEST, Perth WA 6000, Australia

About the Event


Please Note: This is not a separate event. It is part of ManiFEST festival. Tickets are NOT required for this event. It is included in the Ticket price of the Festival. Ignore the "Purchase Tickets" link here.


The 20/20 Vision is a Game Changer. A global campaign that will create major shifts on the planet in 2020. The effects will be UNPRECEDENTED.

In 20/20 the World Eats.

We are just at the very start of this Epic journey. The seed of this vision is being nurtured - the energy is building - the most spectacular campaign the world has ever seen is being developed....

Everyone that I have personally told about the 20/20 Vision is awed by it's scope, it's vision, it's beauty and potential. It is simple, yet profound. At first some have questioned the World's readiness for this... but then they feel the readiness in themselves, and they open to this profound possibility...

The 20/20 Vision will first be revealed at ManiFEST. There is nothing required of you. You don't have to join anything or sign up or pay out money. The idea is that you simply help DREAM IT IN at ManiFEST. We intend to utilise the power of Collaborative Conscious Creating to benefit the All - Seeing what we can achieve when we Dream together for ourselves and the Whole.

Be there when history is made....


Dreaming in a New Earth - A New Eden - Unity Consciousness



The 20/20 Vision is a campaign to Shift the Planet in 2020. It involves the whole world. It is an unprecedented shift towards unity consciousness - translating to down-to-earth physical action that will change the lives of Billions. Everyone will be touched by the HEART of this epic movement. Our World WILL Shift. It IS shifting.

All those that attend ManiFEST will not only have an awesome personal festival experience, manifesting for their own lives, but they will also be the SEEDS OF THE 20/20 VISION.

We will Dream it in together, hold the space and the energy for it - Vision it. FEEL it into Being.


We cannot share what the vision is until the Festival. The few that know agreed that it needs to shared in a deep Dreaming - in the energy of possibilities - where we can FEEL it and VISION it TOGETHER to create and hold the powerful momentum.

The campaign for the 20/20 Vision will begin in early 2019, with the implementation of the VISION in 20/20.


This dreaming, of a healed planet, is the combination of the desire of many. I know there are many all around the world who are feeling the calling - the desire to be in service to this shift in Consciousness. To heal and unite us - to create Heaven on Earth. It IS possible. I've seen it.

If you've read this far, I'm assuming it's your vision too. So Thank you. For all the work you've already done in your own life, to be here now.... holding the seeds of your own visions for a healed planet and people.


The shift in consciousness is happening now. WE ARE the wayseers... the New Dreamers... the believers... anchoring a new energy. Bringing in unity consciousness. Changing the World.

Just because it's so divine to do so.

Just so we realise who we really are.

Just for the JOY of it.

Love to you all.

Buckle up.

Let's do this.



* Passion. Faith. Advertising. Support. This vision requires us to inspire the world. We need numbers. Tell your friends - spread the word. Share the FB page. Share this email... share, share, share. Dream, dream, dream.

* Join the FaceBook Page. We will keep you updated - keep you in the loop of the Magic - keep you inspired - connect you with like-minded community.


* Volunteer. This is a CO-CREATION. Do you have something you could do that could help us set up a PHENOMENAL Festival and Campaign? Marketing? Advertising? Art? Graphic Design? Website builder? Actual Building Builder?!

Is there something that YOU have been wanting to manifest?

* DONATE. I have no doubt that many many people will come on board and give generously of their time and skills. And the profits of ManiFEST will go towards supporting the 20/20 Campaign. AND, Ohhhh to have funds!! To support these incredible beings who want to change the world for the better... to hire the best of the best for the campaign. To allow myself and a small team to devote our time and energies for these next 9 months to creating something truly phenomenal - To supporting a shift in Consciousness on the Planet.

If you wish to support through a gift of cash we would be so so grateful. You can support through the GoFundMe campaign.

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