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Wake The Dreaming



The Alignment Experience

RELAX...& Reveal the Miraculous 

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“Mind blowing.  I am forever changed." 

—  Luke Pursley


TRUST, RELAX, ALLOW, SURRENDER...& change your World from the Inside Out.

A 30 Day program to support you to open to and experience the profound possibilities of Who You Truly Are.  


Based in the teachings of Law of Attraction, this 30 Days will guide you into more Mastery of your state of being (vibration).  It will inspire you to live life FROM source, AS source - rather than reacting to the external world.  As you relax, and your vibration shifts, life will reflect the shifts in miraculous ways. 

  • Relaxation

  • Synchronicities & Divine Timing

  • New direction & opportunities
  • The Pleasure and Power of Dreaming

  • Greater Joy, Trust & Peace

  • Self-Love

  • Guidance/Wisdom/Intuition
  • Magic & Grace


We are God Source Energy in a Physical Body, co-creating our World in every moment through our Vibration - our state of being.  It is a radical shift in our understanding of the World and Who We Are.  


This is not just a pre-recorded on-line course.  This is a live, dedicated community held by passionate facilitators who are right there with you doing the "work" alongside everyone else. We are all masters here.  You will be supported, encouraged and inspired all the way through the 30 Days - via the course content, the facilitators and the courageous leaps and unfolding Magic of each person in the group. 


A powerful field is created among group members that not only deepens our personal journey - but also creates a community of like-minded souls - a soul tribe.  These are connections that will stay with you as you continue to expand into these new dimensions. 


This is a personal, individual journey of awakening that we do together.    

Change Your World from the Inside Out 

Introducing Dreaming &

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction states: "That which is like unto itself is drawn".  Your state of being attracts physical representations of similar vibrations into your world. 


So what's important is your vibration - your state of being.  It doesn't matter whether your state of being is conjured through reacting to reality or conjured through DREAMING.  Either way it's YOU that is conjuring the vibration.  YOU are the source of the emanation.  The way you conjure the emanation makes no difference.  

Dreaming is tapping into limitless potential - Alternate realities - Your Higher Self.  It is new territory - a relatively unknown skill on the leading edge of the understanding of Conscious Creating.  We/you are the pioneers. 


  • Three Powerful Workshops:   INITIAL: Shift your Perspective of Yourself and the World: Step through the portal, open to the profound, hone your practice and discover the art, joy & power of DREAMING.  MIDWAY: Share & inspire. FINAL: To integrate, celebrate and consolidate. 

  • Stunning Morning Meditations & Dreaming Music (15 mins):  from Inspiring Teachers & Musicians.  Be Lulled into Alignment each morning. Set your emanation for the day. 

  • Individual Coaching, Support & Guidance from Tash Kelly - Throughout the 30 Days Tash will answer questions, offer guidance through your personal experiences and  clarification and support around the teachings.

  • The powerful support of the Group - On-Line and In-Person - We are all Masters & Students here. Magic happens in many ways and is shared in the group. You will receive much love, wisdom & support from each other and from the facilitators.


To Master Your State of Being....To RELAX

  • Meditation - You will receive inspiring guided meditations each morning from various Teachers/Masters.

  • The art of DREAMING - You will be taught to access the Magic of your imagination.  

  • Stunning Music - Sound is vibration, it tunes the soul.  You will receive stunning musical scores daily to DREAM & soar.   

  • Gratitude - the Alignment Super Power - you will be supported to see new perspectives - to recognise Magic 

  • Daily support, wisdom & inspiration -  from facilitators and each other.  The love, wisdom and insight that develops in these groups is divine - it heightens the group field and will inspire you to leap...  

  • The Group Field - there is magic in a group connected in heart centred intentions.  

Relax | Trust | Dream

The Tools
What You Receive
When, Where, Price


On-line - ZOOM - and Facebook Group

Once you have paid and joined, you will be invited to a private Facebook group and be given all the details for the ZOOM calls. 


Sunday 23rd February 2025 - Sunday 23rd March 2025



Initial Workshop:

Sunday 23rd February (8:30am - 10:30am Western Australia time)


The First Workshop is about connecting the group members, learning the art of Dreaming and tapping into our desires (as well as the importance of surrender).  It forms the basis of the 30 days.  This is a powerful workshop and important to attend. 

Weekly Live Gatherings:

Sunday 2nd March (8:30am - 10:00am)

Sunday 9th March (8:30am - 10:00am)

Sunday 16th March (8:30am - 10:00am)

Inspiration, support, sharing of Magic, deepening into the teachings - deep Dreaming. 

Optional Workshops


Final Gathering:

Sunday 23rd March (8:30am - 10:30am)

Consolidation & Celebration. 




$150 per person.

Tickets Via Humanitix



Specific Details and FAQs:


In the past we have averaged between 10 and 20 people.


The meditations are a mix of our favourites from various masters that are best suited to the 30 Days. 


The idea is to catch your habit of thought and align with new energy as soon as possible upon waking.


It’s all good if you ‘miss’ some of the 30 Days. Ultimately the journey is about your relationship with life in every moment.  The group, the meditations and the teachings are to inspire you and remind you to make the gentle consistent shifts yourself.  It’s a personal journey, that we do together. Alone and together. 



Minimum 16 Seconds three times a day!

Ideally 15 - 30 minutes dedicated time in the mornings. 

Gentle - Consistent - Small shifts.  Like nudging a big ship.  A little nudge each day is going to set it on a completely different course. 


We are making gentle shifts in our focus and thought patterns.  Abraham says if you put in just 17 Seconds a few times a day - you’ve put in a very good day.


The teaching is that just 15 minutes of getting into alignment in the mornings for 30 Days, reveals the Magic. This is why we offer the powerful morning meditations… to set up our days for more effortless alignment. 


And then generally… the encouragement is to focus on the best as much as we can throughout the 30 Days… gently shifting our focus of thought. 


So really it’s up to you how much you put into this.  We encourage GENTLE, CONSISTENT shifts.  This isn’t another thing that you have to do.  It’s meant to be a new way of being that is more relaxed and surrendered…



Let the Program do the 'work' FOR you

Lull yourself into Alignment...

Simply wake up... plug in... relax and SOAK IT UP.  Let the stunning meditations and music soothe your soul into alignment and inspire you into possibilities.  Allow yourself to be moved into thrilling, fantastical realms through visualisations (DREAMING).  And Voila!  You're flying...

Throughout the Day you will be held in the power of the Group Field - supported by the wisdom, love & passion of the facilitators and each other. Be blown away by the shares of MAGIC from each individual in the Group as we each take courageous leaps of TRUST.


You will be buoyed, inspired, encouraged into MASTERING YOUR STATE OF BEING.  And when you master your state of being - you enter the FLOW state…

EASE, GRACE & Mind-blowing MAGIC.

Do this for 30 Days and watch your World Shift.... open to Who You Truly Are. 


See you in the Vortex. <3


This is the shift in consciousness, we are the pioneers, the way -seers, we do this not only for ourselves but for the ALL.  As we venture into these realms and bring back Magic, others will be inspired to open to these realms too.  

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Through a series of amazing events Tash's understanding of reality radically shifted in 2012.  Since then it has been her passion to offer Workshops, Events & Individual Sessions based in exploring new paradigms, opening to the possibilities of Who We Truly are and Dreaming our highest Vision Versions of Reality. She holds powerful sacred space of transformation and connection and her greatest joy is facilitating others to experience the Magic of life.  Her personal Big Bold Dreaming is A New Earth - A New Eden through Awakened Consciousness. 

NICOLA ADAMS - Occasional Facilitator

Nicola is passionate about exploring the mystery that we are.  She is a qualified Fractologist and brings her knowledge of this work, and her natural gifts of intuition, insight & clarity to powerfully support each 30 Day process. Nicola's wisdom & love is like energetic glue in the group field.  Nicola and Tash have been close friends and shared the journey into these realms since they met in 2010.  Tash credits Nicola with the support, guidance, insight and wisdom Tash needed throughout the years as she deepened into the teachings. Nicola was an essential part of the start of the 30 Days and she continues to join in on the journeys occasionally. Nicola offers her own powerful modality that also weaves in these teachings.  Find out more... 




**PLEASE NOTE: We meet as fellow students and Masters.  You are your own Master.  So although Tash & Nicola are facilitating and teaching, they are also always doing their own work and process within the 30 Days. 

More About Nicola

A Note From Tash on WTD 15


It is my intention that this time around there is a deeper trust and surrender than ever before and the whole group senses it....that surrender and allowing of flow... takes us each on a journey of beauty, grace and undeniable Magic.  We are utterly inspired by these 30 Days.  It changes every individual's life in powerful ways - we are left in awe on the final evening.  Taking deep breaths together and looking at each other with smiles of friends who are sharing a great secret - a profound knowing...

We leave loving ourselves and life more than ever - and feeling passionate about living our truth and joy and trusting Who We Truly Are.


You Are the Shift in Consciousness

Contact Tash



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​From Wake The Dreaming 1

11/11/17 - 10/12/17

(Italics: comments that were taken from during the course.)

I loved it so much and found the whole experience so friggin' amazing I want to do it again.

I'm getting this, bit by bit we are changing consciousness and not just our own.

I'm feeling powerful, a power I've never let come out before.

I'm in awe of how, just by committing to this 30 Days my whole way of being through the day has shifted.

Through the dreaming music I was flipping through the air hovering above my daughter and exploding into light.  As you do.

I commit to this journey of limitless possibilites of how this world can becom one of love and joy.  For me, my daughter and all of humanity.

It's funny...I'm so aware of Magic that I catch myself looking for it with such anticipation that it must be coming

Loving myself, letting myself feel it all and focusing on what I do want I believe has created an enormous shift on such a deep level. This whole experience feels really profound. 


Perth. W.A.

The potency of the Magic and it's evident signs is quite astonishing.


I am becoming more fearless and true. 

I feel my energy being upgraded, love asking more of me, so I may offer this to myself and those around me.

I am learning to watch the unfolding of it all without leaving my centre and feeling consumed by what appears to be not working.... greater connection to zest and possibilities inside a fresh landscape.

Wow just have to add a vision I had.  I am becoming the lustrous pearl... it's beauty is formed by layers built from a grain of sand or a parasite that create the unseeminly perfect environment to bloom...

So grateful to be here in such a safe container in this evolution

I feel like I am ready to take up more space in the world, my energy imbued with a new level of confidence and trust and a subtle joy is here in my heart, feels like the joy that births at the start of spring. 

I see I have moved into a woman of greater substance anchoring into a fresh energy that feels like hope, and a playful curiousity with eyes wide open and a prayer of gratitude alive in my heart for the gift of pain as a catalyst for alchemy.


Perth. W.A.

I have tears in my eyes. ...a confirmation of the work we are doing - by surrendering and being authentic with awesome moments and sad and challenging moments.  We are surrendering and being in service of this massive shift happening - one person at a time.  This is why we came here at the time we did.

The highest form of freedom (tears in my eyes) is to be able to be unaffected by the storms of other people's expressions, unconsciousness, pain and divisions.  I am free of that and I stand for love.

I'm also stepping into a new way of being - peace.  God knows it's what I've always wanted and craved, but I now feel it's within and always available.  Thoughts may create turbulence but peace is always there.


Perth. W.A.

This stuff is mind blowing.  I'm experiencing the cells of my being change.  I'm dreaming big, effortlessly.  So grateful for this n to us all n this opportunity of dreaming n co-creating together.  WOW.

Thank you soooo much for this opportunity and gift of opening into the potential that's already here, waiting for us to come home.  For me it's like this course is a new school of learning in which I'm creating the foundations for my future.  First 30 Days of the rest of my life.


Often tears of gratitude well up in my eyes in the dreaming, such tangible expansive joy.  Feeling inspired, rewired and relaxing deeply into my mojo. Yeah!

Still in awe at the gift of this process.

It's been going deep.  I feel so held and it all feels OK, just a deeper invitation for all to come into love. 

I see now why this feels so important to get this out there for you Tash.  It's miraculous and so simple.

This is your calling and I so support this in you.  Pioneer of positive living with trust, revolutionary of allowing all that is to shine.  Thanks for this gift.

To the mothers on this course I deeply honour your amazing capacity and see the space between each cell, each thought each moment in you expanding into present moments of peace in action.  The flow of the feminine is often in motion, no caves of silent enlightenment, full passionate flow of embodiment in action.



Perth. W.A.

I entered wake the dreaming with much excitement. Not having practiced or been taught a lot about law of attraction I often felt small in the presence of others that know more. During the 30 days I was encouraged, guided and nurtured through the whole journey with so much love, I was prompted freely to open up and share. I feel this has turned my life around in a very positive way and I look forward to doing the 30 day wake the dreaming again!

I found all the meditations and dreaming music today exhilarating! I just had the most wonderful dreaming I want to share the feeling like an excited child!  There were swirls of white dancing and spinning and a white horse appeared, it had huge white wings, it had a unicorns horn that released so much light and coloured glittery sparkles.  It felt so joyful.  Like I was in amongst the stars.  I knew the horse, it felt like a long lost friend i ran to her and hugged her so tight and cried real tears.  We flew together through the stars and the sparkles.  I was so happy, free, exhilarated!  I still have the feeling it is so wonderful, I have so much love for the horse.

Thank you so much for this 30 Days.  It is wonderful.  I was told yesterday by a friend that my positive energy was amazing!!  My daughter has commented that I am more positive.  Loving life.


Perth. W.A.

At this time I feel ecstatic.  It is amplified by the thought that my happiness created this and through that thought, it grows.  It's a cycle, a new habit that has replaced the old habit.

Tears of joy.  I am actually getting to know myself again.  It's wonderful to just be.  I find my emotions to be stable and allowing.  The resistance melting.  Yesterday I both laughed and cried.  I always give myself 'permission' to laugh, but not so much to cry.  So yesterday I truly felt like my own best friend, just doing what I needed to do, knowing that it would pass.  To go gently gently.

After a massive turning point on Tuesday, listening to my heart and the needs of my body, these last few days have felt aligned, joyful and balanced.  Deeply grateful.


It's so fulfilling to read everyone's words and it feels so nourishing and safe to just 'be' in this community which we have created.  I am so grateful to be receiving new materials and especially diving deeper into the 'dreaming'.  This is a new concept for me, to just dream for the hell and fun of it with some powerful music! 


Perth. W.A.

Doing this as a group it is firstly real great money wise, if you are looking for a lasting gift to yourself and you see the value of practicing for 30days (mornings) but do not know how. Secondly, the best part of this collective session is, that you grow together as a close knit group which the moderators guide so upliftingly. This results in propelling you inward and forward in establishing new habits, which you never knew even existed within your desire or within you. Yes you may leave or participate in the background at any time if that feels right and just know the door is open to come back in. There will always be a strong core available to share any progress, feelings or stumbles and for you to receive and share insights if you want. No matter how introvert or independent you are, do yourself this favor and realize now that growing and making changes in your life does feel so much better when inspired and taking your own steps on a daily basis-TOGETHER. I have become a changed person as new neuropathways have established in my brain which serves as a foundation and co-lead to me establishing my desires. I have been part of how it works and it is so much fun and convenient to go daily this deeeeeep in yourself from the comfort your home and behind the laptop. Really, if you are used to and enjoy face to face meetups, be assured that in this 30 day session with Natasha and Nicola, the face-meetings are just a good start and bonus to the facebook group treasures you are working with.


Perth. W.A.

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